Friday, January 18, 2008

To Be Clear....

From the reactions I got it seems I may have been misunderstood. To be clear, the point of yesterday's post is not "people should diet" or "health conscious people are somehow morally better". The point was it's ridiculous to get self defensive and hostile in response to someone's eating habits. Especially when they are not trying to influence your own.

To be sure, if I really wanted to eat an entire pizza I would bet that I could. It doesn't necessarily mean I should or will. If you want to eat an entire pizza that's your prerogative, and I'd say bon appetit. Just like if you want to eat vegetables, that would also be your prerogative. You have a 'God given right' to eat however you want, and that goes for both sides.

What I don't understand is how it came to be that the subject of healthy lifestyles is now taboo, and people are faced with disincentives from those they associate with, and what I mean by this is the economic concept of reward and punishment. Anyway, I'm done on this topic. I hope that cleared some stuff up.

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