Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cato Says "It's a moment of idiocy" and it is

Cato, you mad? Yesterday, the House passed a long debated energy bill that the president will be signing today. Cato calls it "A moment of idiocy, of real idiocy" as a jab at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who announced to politicians just before voting that “You are present at a moment of change, of real change.”

Although I do see the need for environmental concern and efficiency, I don't think it should come at a cost of regulation. It is a dangerous thing to let regulators get their grubby little hands on something that is much bigger than themselves. As Cato points out in their blog, the impact of this bill will impact a lot more than meets the eye. Including the price of automobiles. On the other hand, it seems likely that the price of hybrids may fall comparatively.

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